It is in stock! V3 Foundation

V3 foundation popular now!


I'm sorry to have kept you waiting!
It's finally in stock!
We will send information to customers who have made a reservation sequentially.
It's too popular this time, so I can't really come in...
I'm sorry to have kept you waiting... M(_ _)m

We still have a little stock, so if you're interested in it, it's your chance!

This fande that will lift up just by painting, please try once by all means!

We are also looking forward to hearing from you by phone, e-mail, and app talk♪

Aobadai Doctor Support Salon
Medical Esthetics Beauty Cute
227-0055, Japan
23-11 Tsurujigaoka, Aoba-ku, Yokohama, Kanagawa
Hikarimezon Aoba-601
[10:00~19:00(Last Reception)]
※After-hours consultation
*Closed on Sundays and public holidays

【目指せ体質改善】新メニュー 全身アロマオイルトリートメント登場★

#Aobadai #エステサロン #V3ファンデーション #針ファンデ #美肌 #リフトアップ #小顔