Fat burning! Cellulite Zero & Hyper Knife
Fat burning!
I'm a Cellulite Zero & Hyper Knife customer.
This is Chiba of the staff.
Mr. Y, who is currently working his diet with a cellulite zero & hyper knife course
He said that his body has become painful with age.
I'm going to lose weight this year!
He came to the store with a strong will.
Mr. Y is also a food professional due to his work.
This time, with the goal of never rebounding once I lose weight, I incorporated dietary restrictions, supplements, and home care.
In addition, we identify the cause of obesity through genetic testing, analyze your constitution and personality, and present the best diet plan.
In particular, I have a strong impression that I have to put up with dietary restrictions, but Mr. Y, a food professional, enjoyed working on it!
There's no reason why you can't get results from this, right?
Minus 5 kg in just one month!
Waist - 5 cm
Pip - 6cm
Thigh - 4 cm
It's a great result ☆
However, Mr. Y's rapid progress does not stop.
To be continued next time!
Aobadai Doctor Support Medical Salon Beauty Cute
#Aobadai #エステサロン #V3ファンデーション #針ファンデ #美肌 #リフトアップ #小顔 #青葉台エステ #横浜エステ #結果重視エステ #V3ファンデーション正規取扱店 #ダイエット #サイズダウン #痩身 #くびれ #ぽっこりお腹 #ハイパーナイフ #ハイパー #セルライトゼロ #セルゼロ #VOSサロンケア #VOS体験 #VOSマスク #青葉台メディカルエステ美キュート #アンチエイジング #部分痩せ #大人女子のエステサロンThis page has been automatically translated. Please note that it may differ from the original content.
I'm a Cellulite Zero & Hyper Knife customer.
This is Chiba of the staff.
Mr. Y, who is currently working his diet with a cellulite zero & hyper knife course
He said that his body has become painful with age.
I'm going to lose weight this year!
He came to the store with a strong will.
Mr. Y is also a food professional due to his work.
This time, with the goal of never rebounding once I lose weight, I incorporated dietary restrictions, supplements, and home care.
In addition, we identify the cause of obesity through genetic testing, analyze your constitution and personality, and present the best diet plan.
In particular, I have a strong impression that I have to put up with dietary restrictions, but Mr. Y, a food professional, enjoyed working on it!
There's no reason why you can't get results from this, right?
Minus 5 kg in just one month!
Waist - 5 cm
Pip - 6cm
Thigh - 4 cm
It's a great result ☆
However, Mr. Y's rapid progress does not stop.
To be continued next time!
Aobadai Doctor Support Medical Salon Beauty Cute
#Aobadai #エステサロン #V3ファンデーション #針ファンデ #美肌 #リフトアップ #小顔 #青葉台エステ #横浜エステ #結果重視エステ #V3ファンデーション正規取扱店 #ダイエット #サイズダウン #痩身 #くびれ #ぽっこりお腹 #ハイパーナイフ #ハイパー #セルライトゼロ #セルゼロ #VOSサロンケア #VOS体験 #VOSマスク #青葉台メディカルエステ美キュート #アンチエイジング #部分痩せ #大人女子のエステサロン