Dr. Risera Skin Improvement

ドクターリセラ ADSシリーズは、 顧問医師と提携するA・D・S(アドバイザー・ドクター・システム) サロンでのみ取り扱いできるスキンケアです。 肌表面に一時的に作用するのではなく、有効成分を肌の細胞までしっかりと行き届かせることができます。その結果、いらないものが上へ上へと押し上げられ、新しく健康的な肌が再生されます。 サロンケアとの併用で肌改善可能な スキンケアなんです! スタッフADSスタートしました。 経過報告させていただきますm(_ _)m 本気で肌改善したい方 美キュートまでご相談下さい。 ================================== 横浜青葉台メディカルエステシミ専門サロン 美キュート【Be-cute】 神奈川県横浜市青葉区つつじヶ丘23-11 ヒカリメゾン青葉台601 青葉台駅 徒歩3分 045-982-6440 LINE @bi_cute_371 instagram @bi_cute371 Clinic 【Azabudai Ravier Clinic】 3-1-6-3F Azabudai, Minato-ku, Tokyo 03-4400-2749 ★ Ultimate Rejuvenating Reverse Aging ★ Exosome Inhalation / Reverse Shot ================================= #横浜エステ #プロセルセラピーズ #マイクロチャネリング #幹細胞培養上清液 #エクソソーム吸入 #procelltherapie #シミケア #美キュート #オセロ…

sawaです朝起きてスキンケア後に撮りました無加工肌改善1年10ヶ月目こんなに綺麗になるの?っていうくらい変わりましたあまり登場しない私ですがたまには載せてみます 笑上まぶたがのしかかってきていたのですがレチノール効果でスッキリ✨シミのないクリアな肌に!よしみ先生のお肌目指したい方、一緒に頑張りましょう!#ドクターリセラ#ADS#シミケア#美肌#シミ#シワ#毛穴==横浜青葉台メディカルエステシミ専門サロン美キュート【Be-cute】神奈川県横浜市青葉区つつじヶ丘23-11ヒカリメゾン青葉台601青葉台駅 徒歩3分045-982-6440LINE @bi_cute_371iInstagram @bi_cute371Languageこのページは自動的に翻訳されました。元の内容と異なる場合がありますので、ご注意ください。

Recommended ★ eye serum
\目元のホームケアに✨/ワンステージ上の肌を目指す目元用エイジングケア※美容液『ピクノ プレシャス』※年齢に応じたケア目元の皮膚は他の皮膚よりもデリケートなため、特にダメージを受けやすいと言われています。十分にケアができていないと、疲れた印象や老け見えに繋がる可能性も・・👀ピクノ プレシャスは、ピクノジェノール®をはじめとする美容成分を贅沢に配合。明るく若々しい肌へ導きます✨紫外線対策としてもおすすめです🎵詳しくはこちらをご確認ください🙌https://x.gd/FPqICプロセルフェイシャル後のホームケアにもぜひ✨=================================横浜青葉台メディカルエステシミ専門サロン美キュート【Be-cute】神奈川県横浜市青葉区つつじヶ丘23-11ヒカリメゾン青葉台601青葉台駅 徒歩3分045-982-6440LINE @bi_cute_371instagram @bi_cute371運営クリニック【麻布台ラヴィエクリニック】東京都港区麻布台3-1-6-3F03-4400-2749★究極の若返りリバースエイジング★エクソソーム吸入/リバースショットニニニニニニニニニニニニニニニニニニニニニニ#プロセルセラピーズ#プロセルトレーニング#プロセル薄毛トリートメント#プロセルフェイシャル#マイクロチャネリング#procelltherapiesLanguageこのページは自動的に翻訳されました。元の内容と異なる場合がありますので、ご注意ください。

★Obsessed with ADS!
It's been 8 months of ADS life! The transparency is amazing lol shiny, boiled egg-like skin. The stains have also faded considerably!! There are almost no pores. By the way, I'm 46 years old, no processing lol If you look at the before, you can see how amazing the spots are and how open the pores are. If you look closely, you can see that it is packed with black dirt and there are many fine wrinkles ... Was it such a skin ... I am shocked. You're almost there! It takes a little time for skincare, but you can see the results and continue to enjoy it. Don't hide it with makeup, but neatly trim it from the foundation. Let's take care of your skin that will be with you for a long time to come! If you want to do ADS or are interested, please come to the salon ==================================================================================================================================================================================================================. Tap @bi_cute371 2. Tap the lit.link below your profile to see the salon details. 3. For inquiries and applications, please add a Bicute LINE account and send your name and the content of your inquiry on the chat screen. Spot Care Specialty Aobadai Medical Esthetic Salon Bi Cute Be-cute Kanagawa Prefecture Yokohama City Aoba-ku Tsutsujigaoka 23-11 Hikari Maison Aobadai 601 Aobadai Station 3 minutes walk 045-982-6440#リフトアップ #小顔 #青葉台エステ #たるみ=============================================================================================================================================================================- #slimming #photoepilation #acne #moisturizing #dryness #pores#procel therapy #doctor resera #ADSLanguage This page has been automatically translated. Please note that it may differ from the original content.

Aqua Series Bulk Discount Campaign!
[Aqua series price increase summary discount campaign] For those who are using the Dr. Ricera Aqua series, this is a serious notice. From December 14th of this year, the price of Dr. Ricera's Aqua Cerise will increase due to price revision. Therefore, for those who have been using Bicute for many years, we have planned a very special campaign for the period until the end of R5.October! ★ For all products in the Dr. Ricera Aqua series, 10% OFF ⇒ purchase 3 pieces at once, 20% OFF ⇒ 5 pieces in ★ bulk * This is a special campaign only for beautiful cutes!! This is ★ your chance to buy your usual cosmetics at a great price before the price rises.(^^♪ *~:+:~*~:+:~*~*~:+:~*~:+*~:+:~ We also accept delivery Even if you have never visited the store, please feel free to order. You can place an order 24 hours a day by phone or LINE message. ・Name ・Desired product/quantity *~:+:~*~:+:~*~*~:+:~*~:+:*~:+: Insta?https://instagram.com/bi_cute371?igshid=OGQ5ZDc2ODk2ZA== 《Salon Business Hours》 Mon~Sat 10:00~19:00* Negotiable after hours ?045-982-6440 *~:+:~*~:+:~*~*~:+:~*~:+*~:+:~ #ドクターリセラ #肌改善 #アクアヴィーナス #ニキビ #毛穴ケア #横浜エステ #青葉台Languageこのページは自動的に翻訳されました. Please note that it may differ from the original content.

★ Amazing firmness!
sawa. I've been using ADS for about 90 days. Surprisingly firmness!!! When I took off the mask and showed it to my friend, it was insanely firm! Where's the nasolabial fold?! And lol I felt that my face became squeaky, but I'm surprised that it's so far! There are individual differences in age and skin condition, but I was impressed again that it is changing from the dermis of the skin! I started ADS because I wanted to do something about stains, but since it is reborn from cells, you can expect a lot of effects not only from spots but also from sagging and fine wrinkles ^ ^ The staff of Bi Cute has a lot of knowledge about ADS! It is only available at certified salons, so if you are interested, please ask Bicute. ===================================◆ There is a first trial price ◆ Download the Beauty Cute app to get a great discount coupon ◆ For detailed salon information and reservations1. Tap @bi_cute371 2. Tap the lit.link below your profile to see the salon details. 3. For inquiries and applications, please add your Bicute LINE account and send your name and inquiry content on the chat screen. Stain Care Specialty Aobadai Medical Esthetic Salon Bi-Cute Be-cuteKanagawaYokohama CityAoba-ku Tsutsujigaoka 23-11Hikari Maison Aobadai 601Aobadai Station 3 minutes on foot045-982-6440==========================#リフトアップ #小顔 #青葉台エステ #たるみ================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================#VOSトリートメント #VOS salon care #moisturizing # drying # slimming # size down Language This page was automatically translated. Please note that it may differ from the original contents.

★ Plump and firm skin / Soothing and textured skin Which mask to use?
This is Sawa, a staff member. I want a new sheet mask... I want firmness and elasticity... I want a sheet mask that is easy to use even on sensitive skin... In response to such voices, two new sheet masks have been released from Dr. Ricera. ■Rich mask price 6,050 (Tax) / 5Contains [Plump and bouncy firm skin mask] Contains plenty of unheated placenta extract*. It gives firmness to the skin and leads to tighter skin. * Skin conditioning ingredients——Recommended for people like this——Those who feel that they have lost their firmness and elasticity, those who want to tighten their skin■ Sensitive maskPrice 4,950 (Tax) / 5Sheet [Texture skin mask that heals and adjusts] CICA ingredient(Centella Asiatica Extract*)Contains plenty of. It leads to healthy skin that is sensitive and prone to redness. * Skin conditioning ingredients ——Recommended for people like this——If you have sensitive skin, if you are concerned about redness, or if you want to take care of your skin, you may be concerned about both. How about care at home? Aobadai Medical Esthetic Beauty cute045-982-6440#Slimming#Beautiful Skin#Pores#V3 Foundation #Herbal Peeling#Hyper Knife#Health#Whitening#Aobadai Esthetic #VIO#Acne#VOS Treatment #VOS Salon Care#Hair Removal#Wrinkles#Spots#Sagging#Slimming#SunscreenLanguageThis page has been automatically translated. Please note that it may differ from the original content.

★ Life-changing skincare!
This is Sawa, a staff member. Life-changing skincare! Introducing Dr. Ricera's travel set. Skin care doesn't change your skin... Haven't you given up on that? With Ricera's skincare, you can feel confident even with no foundation! Cleansing and soap used in beauty cute treatments ... I think there are many people who feel comfortable. I have been using it for a long time ^^ Aqua Venus Trial 3,630 yen First of all, please experience it for 1 week with this trial set. It's also perfect for travel. Aobadai Medical Esthetic Beauty cute045-982-6440#Slimming#Beautiful Skin#Pores#V3 Foundation #Herbal Peeling#Hyper Knife#Health#Whitening#Aobadai Esthetic #VIO#Acne#Doctor Ricera#VOS Salon Care#Hair Removal#Wrinkles#Spots#Sagging#Slimming#SunscreenLanguageThis page has been automatically translated. Please note that it may differ from the original content.

♪ baby skin with diamonds
Leave body makeup & constitution improvement to us! It is the best hand Ayumi of the spirit mark (^^)/ There are several care menus in the facial menu of Bi Cute, but this time we will introduce ♪ [Dr Retherapy Diamond Peel] among themIs it an image of peeling off or scraping old keratin at a diamond head? When keratin accumulates, the metabolism of the skin deteriorates and turnover (skin reincarnation) is delayed, so roughness etc. appear. Diamond peeling slides the head inlaid with diamond particles onto the surface of the skin, gently and delicately removes the keratin on the surface and leads to smooth skin, improves roughness at once, ★★★ and you can get smooth glossy skin You can ♪ see the effect from reviews from customers ^ ^And actually, we are doing it not only for such surface care but also to make cosmetics used in care and cosmetics used in home care more pervasive, and because it is a safe and secure product, we can do keratin care! So salon care is very importantAlthough it is a high-class menu with Love Love 22,000 yen per time, it is a valuable menu. Aobadai Doctor Support Salon Medical Esthetic Bicute Kanagawa Prefecture Yokohama City Aoba-ku Tsukajigaoka 23-11 Hikari Maison Aobadai 601045-982-6440[10:00~19:00(Last Reception)※ Overtime consultation ※ Closed on holidays(On Sundays, only Miyanishi works.)@bi_cute371 ◆ For first time and shopping only use is welcome Language This page has been automatically translated. Please note that it may differ from the original contents.

★ cleanses your skin
I'm a staff sawa. My son is a sophomore of high school. My skin has been dry lately... It's not enough to get big acne, but when you touch it, it's rough and the sebum is glaring ... It was such beautiful skin a little while ago ... At this age, your skin tends to fluctuate due to stress and hormone balance. I want to regain beautiful skin somehow! In such a time, Lysella cleansing works! When I actually cleansed gently and carefully, it got better and better with each passing day, and the roughness was decreasing. I will post BEFORE AFTER on my blog at a later date! My son was also surprised, "Will it change so much?" Cleansing for boys is luxurious, but lol, it is recommended because it really changes. Try it once! Aobadai Medical Esthetic Beauty Cute 045-982-6440 # Slimming # Beautiful Skin # Pores # V3 Foundation # Herb Peeling # Hyper Knife # Health # Whitening # Aobadai Este #VIO # Acne # VOS Treatment #VOSサロンケアLanguageこのページは自動的に翻訳されました. Please note that it may differ from the original contents.