Beauty Information



ハンドクリーム難民の皆様お待たせいたしました!リセラの超優秀ハンドクリームDr.RecellaホワイティAハンドクリーム3,080円α Gri-Xをベースにレチノール、アルブチンのほか、保湿力のある植物エキスを多種配合しました。しっとり・さらさらの使用感が特徴です。手の乾燥が気になる季節!お肌と同じように手もケアが大切です。潤いやシワの改善に効果的な成分が入っており指先まできれいに!47歳の手もキレイに見えます 笑#ドクターリセラ#ADS#シミケア#美肌#シミ#シワ#毛穴#ハンドケア==横浜青葉台メディカルエステシミ専門サロン美キュート【Be-cute】神奈川県横浜市青葉区つつじヶ丘23-11ヒカリメゾン青葉台601青葉台駅 徒歩3分045-982-6440LINE @bi_cute_371iInstagram @bi_cute371運営クリニック【麻布台ラヴィエクリニック】東京都港区麻布台3-1-6-3F03-4400-2749★究極の若返りリバースエイジング★エクソソーム吸入/リバースショット===============Languageこのページは自動的に翻訳されました。元の内容と異なる場合がありますので、ご注意ください。


NEW Zogankin Ovo Wash your face and care for your facial muscles at the same time. ZOGANKIN?? OVOzogankinovo ¥17,600(tax included) this page has been automatically translated. Please note that it may differ from the original content.


What is "turnover" that you can't hear anymore??

What is "turnover" that you can't hear anymore??/ The mechanism of skin rebirth "Turnover" Try to take care of yourself carefully every day, and sometimes with the help of salon care Let's ★ get healthy and beautiful skin From September / We will take a course to introduce Procel Therapy even in Bicute. For details, please contact us via DM/official LINE/web. With Dr. Mitani,”10 people nationwide”We will further enliven Procel with Procell Therapy certified instructors(^^) ◆ Procel Therapy introduction inquiry DM / Official LINE / web from Instagram DM Hot Pepper Beauty After registering as an official LINE friend, please send us a message with your name and desired date and time. ゚ .―― ゚ .―― ゚ .―― ゚ .―― ゚ .―― ゚ .―― ゚ .―― ゚ .―― ゚ Bicute is the only long-established beauty salon in Aobadai that has specialized in improving blemishes and skin for 20 years. ◆ There is a first trial price ◆ Download the Bi Cute app and get a great discount coupon GET Stain Care Specialty Aobadai Medical Esthetic Salon Beauty Cute Be-cute Kanagawa Prefecture Yokohama City Aoba-ku Tsutsujigaoka 23-11 Hikari Maison Aobadai 601 Aobadai Station 3 minutes walk 045-982-6440 ゚ .―― ゚ .―― ゚ .―― ゚ .―― ゚ .―― ゚ .―― ゚ .―― ゚ .―― ゚ #横浜 #プロセル薄毛トリートメント #プロセルセラピーズ #薄毛 #育毛 #発毛 #髪の艶 #髪のコシ #増毛…


★ It would be a waste if you didn't! Inner Care!

sawa. Inner care is very important! It's a shame that you don't take care of your inner skin even though you're taking good care of your skin! Inner care is the foundation for beautiful skin. In addition to meals, let's supplement it with supplements to further improve its beauty! I'm taking Ricera's "Beautiful Skin Plus". This is perfect for anti-aging! Achieve true beauty by blending the nutrients necessary for beauty from the inside in a well-balanced manner! Skin problems have almost disappeared, and I feel that the effects of ADS are being demonstrated more. Recently, the sun has become stronger, so I started drinking "Crystal Veil" as well! This is perfect for those who go out a lot or want to strengthen their beauty measures in combination with sunscreen. Let's make good use of inner care to have healthy and radiant skin from the inside! ================================== ◆ There is a first trial price ◆ Get a great discount coupon by downloading the Bi Cute app ◆ Detailed salon information and reservations are 1. Tap @bi_cute371 2. Tap the below your profile to see the salon details. 3. For inquiries and applications, please add your Bicute LINE account and send your name and inquiry content on the chat screen. Stain Care Specialty Aobadai Medical Esthetic Salon Bi-Cute Be-cuteKanagawaYokohama CityAoba-ku Tsutsujigaoka 23-11Hikari Maison Aobadai 601Aobadai Station 3 minutes on foot045-982-6440==========================#リフトアップ #小顔 #青葉台エステ #たるみ================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================#VOSトリートメント #VOS salon care #moisturizing # drying # slimming # size down Language This page was automatically translated. Please note that it may differ from the original contents.


★ The strongest eyelash serum!

This is Sawa, a staff member. This is amazing! Lash Addict Conditioning Serum 11,000 yenI had short eyelashes and I didn't have many eyelashes. It's been 2 months since I heard that this serum is amazing and started using it... The number of eyelashes has increased, the length has come out, and the eyes have become clearer! The staff of Bicute also have different eyes, don't they? I was complimented〜I'm amazed that ^^ eyelashes alone can change such an impression! The only thing you need to be careful about... If you blink after applying, the serum may stick to your lower eyelid, but if you leave it as it is, the downy hair will become thicker! Please be careful when using it! Aobadai Medical Esthetic Beauty cute045-982-6440#Beautiful Skin#Pores#V3 Foundation #Herbal Peeling #Hyper Knife#Health #Whitening #Aobadai Esthetic #VIO #Acne #VOS Treatment #VOS Salon Care #Hair Removal #Wrinkles #Blemishes #Sagging #Slimming #Lash Addict Language This page has been automatically translated. Please note that it may differ from the original content.

★V3 セットアップパウダー

★V3 Setup Powder

Make everyone smile with a result-oriented got hand! This is staff member Miyuki. Newly released V3 setup powder! I tried it on ^^ My skin looks beautiful with just one coat. There are two types, one with glitter and one without glitter, but the one I bought is the one without glitter. It is also in stock at the salon, so if you are interested, please ^^ Aobadai Doctor Support Salon Medical Esthetic Beauty Cute 045-982-6440 # Wrinkles # Spots # Whitening # Beautiful skin #リフトアップ #小顔 #青葉台エステ #たるみ # Slimming # Light hair removal # Acne # VOS treatment #VOS salon care # Moisturizing # Drying Language This page has been automatically translated. Please note that it may differ from the original content.


★ Anti-aging with lip care!

This is Sawa, a staff member. Do you take care of your lips? Dry lips are a step towards aging. The corners of the mouth are lowered and the vertical wrinkles are becoming more noticeable... If you feel like that, moisturizing your lips is important. This [Spicare V3 nemlip](Nemu Lip) List price: 3,850 yen Contents: 15 ml Even though my skin care is neat, I didn't care about lip care ... I tried using it right away! It feels non-sticky and well moisturized. It is soothing with a faint peach scent. The lips that were so bulky became moist and plump the next morning! I will do my best to do lip care along with skin care every day ^^ It is in stock at the salon, so please try it out. Aobadai Medical Esthetic Beauty cute045-982-6440#Slimming#Beautiful Skin#Pores#V3 Foundation #Herbal Peeling#Hyper Knife#Health#Whitening#Aobadai Esthetic #VIO#Acne#VOS Treatment #VOS Salon Care#Hair Removal#Wrinkles#Spots#Sagging#Slimming#Sunscreen#Lip Care#Nemu LipLanguageThis page has been automatically translated. Please note that it may differ from the original content.


★ I wanted such a concealer!

This is Staff Sawa! For skin that has become rough due to wearing a mask in the Corona disaster, a concealer that lightens the base makeup process has been born! #V3 hiding concealerIs there a concealer with a natural texture that cares for the skin but also provides coverage? ... This product will support you with such problems. It naturally and gently covers areas of concern such as pores and rough skin, and also cuts ultraviolet rays with SPF 30 and PA . It has a smooth and light adhesion feeling, and the makeup is completed like bare skin. It contains ingredients that protect the skin from skin problems, so it will make your skin beautiful every time you use it! In addition, it keeps the beautiful finish of the makeup for a long time. If you are having trouble choosing a concealer, please give it a try. Aobadai Medical Esthetic Bicute 045-982-6440 #Slimming #Beautiful Skin #Pores #V3 Foundation #Herbal Peeling #Hyper Knife #Health #Whitening #Aobadai Esthetic #VIO #Acne #VOS Treatment #VOS Salon Care #Hair Removal #Wrinkles #Blemishes #Sagging Language This page has been automatically translated. Please note that it may differ from the original content.


★ Face your age with the latest technology!

This is Sawa, a staff member. I got an amazing serum. 4 weeks of special intensive care set! Formulated with three types of stem cell culture media, we approach the skin that changes with age. With the latest technology, it firmly confronts firmness, dryness, sagging, dullness, etc. I decided to start today! I'm worried about the wrinkles around my eyes, but how will they change? I'm really looking forward to it! Aobadai Medical Esthetic Bicute 045-982-6440 #Slimming #Beautiful Skin #Pores #V3 Foundation #Herbal Peeling #Hyper Knife #Health #Whitening #Aobadai Esthetic #VIO #Acne #VOS Treatment #VOS Salon Care #Hair Removal #Wrinkles #Blemishes #Sagging Language This page has been automatically translated. Please note that it may differ from the original content.


★ to a more small face beauty! V3 Cassa RF was born.

This is Sawa, a staff member. This time, it is equipped with radio waves! From V3 Cassa, which has been very popular for more small face beauties ^^, a new "white cassa" equipped with radio waves is born! ■ Forehead ■ Around the eyes ■ Around the nose ■ Around the mouth ■ Jawline ■ Mastastoid musclesSince this Kassa is equipped with radio waves, it has the effect of softening the skin and fat with a warming effect and making it easier to flow! Plus, you only need to use it once every two or three days! Let's enjoy taking care of it with "#V3カッサRF" ^^ ■ Can be used on the face, neck, and scalp ■ Can be charged with USB V3 aggressive kassa RF 38,280(Tax)Aobadai Medical Esthetic Bicute 045-982-6440 #Slimming #Beautiful Skin #Pores #V3 Foundation #Herbal Peeling #Hyper Knife #Health #Whitening #Aobadai Esthetic #VIO #Acne #VOS Treatment #VOS Salon Care #V3 Foundation Language This page has been automatically translated. Please note that it may differ from the original content.